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Description: This is my assignment for physical science.  As you can see I got a 5 out of 10, or (doing the math) a 50. This was my first turn in homework assignment for highschool math and wow did it teach me alot.


Reflection: After getting this grade I tried to figure out a way that I could try harder in the class, and help more help. So before test and quizess I wold get the help I needed either on my homework or just the class in general.

Egg Drop

Desciption: We  had to make a contraption that will protect a raw egg when dropped from a high distance, we could only use a certain amount of materials and only certain ones. 


Reflection: For this project i let my dad help me, but it was mostly built off of his ideas, and even when I didn't agree I would go along with it. This project wasn't all my idea and most of it was his work so I didn't feel proud about it. My egg ended up breaking completely.


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